Talking Book Program

The Talking Book Program is a free service where library staff select Books on CD for residents who are unable to select their own items because they are visually impaired or have some difficulty reading print. The resident will pick up their own bag of items or have someone else pick up for them. This service is available to all that live within Quinte West.
This program and material is available to anyone that has print disabilities.

There are two ways to sign up for the Talking Book Program:

Contact the library by phone 613-394-3381 or email [email protected]


Register with CELA (Centre for Equitable Library Access) and they will contact the library on your behalf. 

The following information is needed to sign up for the Talking Book Program:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone Number
  • Library Card Number (if you do not a card we will create one for you)
  • Alternate Contact Name and Phone Number (person who will pick up and deliver your items to you)
  • CNIB # (if you have one)
  • How often you would like to pick up or have your items picked? (example – every week, every 2 weeks, once a month) This can be changed according to your needs.
  • How many Books on CD you would like for that time period?
  • What your interests are? (Genre, Favourite Authors etc.)
  • What you don’t like to listen to?
  • Do you have a Daisy Reader? (these can be purchased through the CNIB)

Once you are registered for the program the program coordinator will choose items for you based on your interests.

We will let you or your alternate contact know when the first bag is ready to go. After that there should always be a bag ready for pick up according to the time period you stated at the time of registration.

The library does have Daisy Readers that we loan to our Talking Book Program patrons. (subject to availability)

These Readers can be loaned for a 3 month period.

The Daisy Readers play all Daisy Books as well as regular Books on CD.

There is no charge for this service and no fines for late items, however patrons will be required to pay for any lost or damaged items.

The Centre for Equitable Library Access, CELA, is Canada’s comprehensive accessible reading service, providing books and other materials to Canadians with print disabilities in the formats of their choice. A national not-for-profit organization, CELA is fully funded to serve 97% of the estimated 3 million Canadians with print disabilities in partnership with member public libraries and we offer a digital-only service to those in non-funded areas. CELA provides access to 800,000 professionally produced titles to provide people with print disabilities with a quality library experience.

For more information regarding CELA please go to their website.  

For more information about the Talking Book Program, please contact Kim

Phone: 613-394-3381 
Email: [email protected]