Book Bundles

Not sure what you want? Let our passionate and knowledgeable library staff help select library material for you!

Fill out the form below to request a bundle of five books in a preferred category. Please use separate forms for the various age groups if you are ordering for more than one person.  Once your request is received, a library staff member will pick books around your selected category and contact you when they are ready for pickup. (Please see instructions for Curbside Pick Up)

Book Bundles for CHILDREN will contain 5 picture books when possible, and may sometimes contain non-fiction titles. These bundles can be selected by themes.

Bundles for OLDER CHILDREN and TEENS will include 5 chapter books that will be selected based on the genre that is indicated on the form.

Book Bundles for ADULTS will contain 5 titles of your preferred genres and formats that are indicated on the form.

If you are interested in receiving a variety of books, not based on a specific theme or genre, you may select the “Surprise me” option on the form. Library staff will pick 5 items that are currently available.

Book Bundles

What type of bundle/bundles are you requesting?(Required)
Please submit a separate form for each family member.
Genre Preferences (Check All That Apply)