Local History and Genealogy

Our local history room located in the Trenton Branch has an abundance of resources both in our collection and the collection of the Quinte Branch Ontario Genealogical Society. We also have a special digital collection.

Our Physical Collection

Newspapers on Microfilm – 1867-Current – with some gaps

Birth Death and Marriage Binders – check these to find the newspaper date

Hazel Farley Scrapbooks – Hazel Farley compiled scrapbooks of anything connected to Trenton during WWII.

Fire insurance Maps

Historic Atlases of Ontario Counties 1878 – these are available to view online here: https://digital.library.mcgill.ca/countyatlas/aboutatlases.html

Canadiana Collection – This collection is locked in a glass cabinet at the back of the library available for browsing but is not able to be checked out. This collection includes:

Al Purdy Collection

A selection of old phone books, street directories and yearbooks

Local author’s books

Quinte West Public Library Digital Collection - Local History

Our Digital World contains a collection of local images which is accessed on our website below.

Quinte Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society

The Quinte OGS has a vast collection of material housed at the library’s Trenton Branch which includes resources for the Bay of Quinte area, other parts of Ontario and Canada, the United States of America and beyond. The collection includes indexed family histories, census and cemetery records and directories, newsletters and more.

Here is a link to a detailed list of their holdings:

Useful Links

Staff Can Help

Staff familiar with family history can help you direct your search using Quinte West Library resources and referral to other individuals or institutions. 

For more information, please contact Krista at (613) 394-3381 ext. 3325 or email [email protected].