Borrow from Another Library

While we have fantastic collections here at the Quinte West Public Library, occasionally we may not own the exact item you’re looking for. We can try to get it for you from another library system through our Interlibrary Loan Service (ILLO).

What is an Interlibrary Loan (ILLO)?

If our library does not have the item you are looking for or you require an alternative format, we will ask to borrow material from another library on your behalf.

How to request or renew an Interlibrary Loan

Submit a Request

You can submit a request for an Interlibrary Loan using the following methods:

Email the library: [email protected]

Call: 613-394-3381 ext.3322 or 3323 and leave a message

In person at either library location in Quinte West – just ask staff at the Customer Service Desk.

Fill out and submit the following form:

Renewal Information

Because the loaning library sets the return dates and authorizes renewals, please request a renewal at least four (4) business days prior to the due date.

Each Interlibrary loan will have an orange laminated form (with a barcode) that must be returned with your ILLO.  Information about renewals is on this form.

Some materials will be labelled “no renewal” from the lending library and we will be unable to renew those items.

Interlibrary loans may not be renewed online.

Request or Renew an Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary Loan Request or Renewal
Pickup Location (Select one)(Required)
Contact Information (Select one)(Required)

Please fill in as much information as possible regarding your Interlibrary Loan Request or Renewal

Reading Level(Required)

Interlibrary loan - FAQ's

  • Your library card number
  • Contact information; full name, telephone number and email
  • Which Quinte West Public Library branch (Trenton or Frankford) that you would like to pick up at
  • Confirm how you would like to be contacted once the ILLO has arrived (e.g. Call, Text or Email)

Because the loaning library sets the return dates and authorizes renewals, please request a renewal at least four (4) business days prior to the due date by:

  • email [email protected]
  • Call (613) 394-3381 ext. 3323 or 3322
  • Fill out the Request or Renew and Interlibrary Loan Form (above)

Each Interlibrary loan will have an orange laminated form (with a barcode) that must be returned with your ILLO. Information about renewals is on this form.

Some materials will be labelled “no renewal” from the lending library and we will be unable to renew those item.

Interlibrary loans may not be renewed online

  • ILLO materials may be picked up and returned to either of the Quinte West Public Library branches (Trenton or Frankford).
  • ILLO material should not be returned to the Belleville Public Library or put in the box at the Quinte Sports and Wellness Centre.

There are no fees associated with borrowing an Interlibrary Loan, this is a FREE library service offered to you.

If an ILLO item is lost or damged the payment cost is determined by the loaning library plus an administration fee of $7.00.  All ILLO payments are non refundable.


  • To process your ILLO request, your library card must be current with less than $20.00 in fines.
  • Loaning libraries are reluctant to loan out new and/or popular material.
  • Movie DVD’s, Music CD’s and Audiobooks may be difficult to get from other libraries.
  • The length of time it takes for an Interlibrary Loan item to arrive varies. The time depends on several factors such as the availability of the item and the shipping time. It may take several weeks to complete your request.
  • You will be notified if we are unable to get the item you have requested.