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Fiero Code

Fiero Code is a self-guided learn-to-code software designed for ages 8-18. Create a free account with your library card to track your progress as you build websites, animations, and video games.

Create your own free account using the link below and select: Quinte West Public Library from the drop-down list.

Moonlighting MArvin: Fiero Code Competition 2024

Kids ages 8 and above are invited to special competition kick-off: Moonlighting Marvin! This coding challenge will put your entrepreneurial skills to the test as you design a website to market your very own rocketship business! 🚀

This competition is for young persons aged 8 to 18. Registration is free for any patrons accessing Fiero Code through our Quinte West Public Library website. This competition runs from February 1 – March 31 2024. 

How it works
  1. Login or sign up: Login to your Fiero Code account or sign up for a Fiero Code account for free through our website if you don’t have an account. 
  2. Register: Once you are login to Fiero Code, navigate to the Challenge screen to see prizes and join the competition from the Challenge page.
  3. Create: Embark on your coding adventure and design a web page to promote a product or service for your side hustle.
  4. Submit: Showcase your creation and compete for fantastic prizes!

Criteria for judging

Projects are graded on:

  • Completion of the project requirements
  • Creativity
  • Difficulty
The Moonlighting Marvin Competition ends in…